Thursday 12th May 2005


New law clamps down
on rogue car clampers

by staff reporter

VICTIMS of clamping firms in Warrington now have the power to ask to see a clamper’s license as a result of new rules and regulations.
Under the Security Industry Act, anyone involved in running a clamping firm will have to be licensed.
To get a license, clampers will have criminal record checks and receive specialist training, much like door supervisors.
Anyone with an unacceptable criminal record, particularly for offences involving violence, drugs, sex and dishonesty will not be licensed.
Clampers in Warrington must visibly wear their license. To clamp without this license is an offence for which the individual may be prosecuted, as may the directors of the clamping company. Illegal clamping is punishable by a maximum fine of ?5,000, or up to six months imprisonment.
Anyone in control of a piece of land using the services of unlicensed clampers would also be committing an offence.
Roger Mapleson of Warrington Trading Standards said: “We welcome this new law as drivers can be assured that the person who has clamped them has been checked out and is registered with the Security Industry Authority. People who are clamped by unlicensed clampers can look to the police for assistance if necessary. This is the first significant step since clamping first became a common method of parking control on private land.
“However, we would continue to urge drivers to take great care where they park around Warrington town centre. However tempting it may be to try to save a few minutes or a few pounds by parking on a convenient piece of land it could still turn out to be a costly mistake.”
“We would advise anyone who is clamped to ask the clamper to show evidence of their license. If none can be provided and the clamper refuses to remove the clamp without charge, we would ask drivers to call the police on 0845 4580000 or Trading Standards on 01925 442678”

Bishop attends annual
Freemason’s service

by staff reporter

FOR the second successive year a Bishop has given the address at the annual church service for Warrington Freemasons.
More than 200 local Freemasons, dressed in their Masonic regalia, along with their families and friends attended their annual Service of Rededication at Warrington Parish Church.
The address was given by the Rt Rev Dr Rupert Hoare, the Dean of Liverpool Cathedral.
Last year the Bishop of Warrington, Rt Rev David Jennings attended the service.
The Mayor of Warrington, Coun Ted Lafferty, also attended the service and he was accompanied by the Mayoress.
A collection taken at the service resulted in more than ?220 being presented to St Elphin’s Church which has hosted the service for the past 28 years.
Ian Boswell, chairman of the Warrington and District Group of Lodges, said: “We were indeed fortunate to have the presence of Bishop Hoare who is such an eminent and well- respected speaker.”
After the service everyone returned to Warrington Masonic Hall where the Bishop was shown around the building including the Masonic temples.
Warrington Freemasons regularly support local churches. Recent donations have included ?1,000 each to Christ Church, Padgate; St Barnabas Church, Warrington; St Elphin’s Church, Warrington and ?250 to St Oswald’s Church, Winwick.
There are 23 Lodges in the Warrington Group who meet at the Winmarleigh Rooms, Winmarleigh Street.

Council seeking
foster parents

by John Hendon

IT’S Foster Care Fortnight – and Warrington’s Fostering and Adoption Service is hoping to persuade more people to consider fostering.
Caring people are wanted to offer time, dedication, a home or just a weekend away to children who have been separated from, or have no, parents.
The launch of the fortnight highlights the plight of more than 50,000 children in desperate need of care, throughout the UK. The campaign is supported by the 22 Local Authorities in the North West and hopes to attract foster carers, with or without experience of caring or working with children.
There is a particular need for people willing to care for older children.
Foster care applicants may be single parent families, step-parent families, e married or not.
Carers can be grandparents or great grandparents or other relatives or friends living with them as part of the family. Foster families may have young children, grown-up children or no children of their own.
One thing they must do is care about children and want to help them.
Every council in the North West needs more foster carers. Warrington people who want to help should contact Libby Addison, from the Fostering and Adoption Team at Warrington Borough Council, on 01925 444100 or email [email protected]

Planners urge refusal
for asthma child’s pool

by David Skentelbery

PLANNING officers at Warrington are urging councillors to reject an application to enclose an open air swimming pool used by a child who suffers from asthma.
Officers say the single storey structure over the swimming pool at Wilton Grange, in Kenyon Lane, Kenyon would have a damaging impact on the Green Belt.
But members of the borough council’s development control committee – concerned after hearing that a child using the pool suffers from very bad asthma – want to visit the site before reaching a decision.
Coun Keith Bland said the applicants – Mr and Mrs D Maisey – had grave concerns about the health of their daughter and needed to have the pool enclosed.
He said fires at a nearby nursery had caused smoke to hang over the garden.
“If an officer is recommending refusal, the applicant, in exceptional circumstances, deserves to be able to address the members with their concerns.”
The plan involves a single storey structure over the pool, with an enclosed link to the adjoining house.
A report to the committee says the proposed extension represents a 67.2 per cent increase in floor space.
The site is in an elevated position, meaning the new structure would be quite visible from the Green Belt.
A planning department spokesman said: “The size and scale of the development in its present form would be harmful to the character of the existing building and would represent significant encroachment of development into the countryside and impact on the openness of the Green Belt.
“These matters are exacerbated by the unbroken nature of the development, causing a spreading form of development out from the existing dwelling house.”
He added that the health of an individual had to be weighed against wider community and land use issues and could usually be afforded very limited weight.

Biker “critical”
after crash

by David Skentelbery

POLICE are appealing for witnesses to a serious road traffic collision in which a 42-year-old motor cyclist from Warrington was badly hurt.
The accident was on the A56 near Chester at the weekend, between the roundabout to the M53 and Toby Carvery.
At about 6.20 pm a black Ford Fiesta travelling towards Chester was involved in a collision with a Suzuki motorcycle travelling in the opposite direction towards Mickle Trafford.
The motorcyclist, from the Warrington area, received serious injuries, and was taken to hospital in Chester where he was said to be in a critical condition. The driver of the Fiesta received slight injuries.
Police are appealing to anybody who was in the area at the time who may have witnessed the collision but has not yet come forward, to contact the officer investigating, which is PC Susan Willett at the Special Investigation Unit at Chester on 01244 613168.

Self-made millionaire to
address business chiefs

by Lesley Wilkinson

SELF-made millionaire Simon Woodruff, founder of the Yo Sushi bar and food chain, will be the keynote speaker at a meeting for business leaders in Warringt

on in June.
Entrepreneur Simon will be sharing his business secrets at the Pathways Exhibition – Your Route to Business Solutions, at Mere Golf and Country Club, Knutsford, on June 15.
The event will introduce Pathways, a new way of delivering business advice to help boost the performance of companies.
Interactive demonstrations, workshops, diagnostic surgeries and exhibitors from across the business advice sector, will be on hand from 10.00am to 4.30pm.
Companies interested in the free event should register to reserve places. For more information contact Kevin Warburton on 01260 271082 or email [email protected] or book online at
Under a unique partnership agencies, led by the Learning and Skills Council Cheshire and Warrington, Job Centre Plus, Business Link Cheshire and Warrington and the North West Development Agency, have linked to provide a co-ordinated advice network for businesses.
Local authorities, as well as the Federation of Small Businesses, Chambers of Commerce and education and training organisations will also be involved in the network.
Liz Davis, executive director of the LSC, said: “All the partners are aware of the challenges faced by businesses today in an increasingly complex, competitive and testing environment.
“Employers need direct and straightforward responses. Our vision, and that of our partners, is to establish a simple communication channel which gives those looking for support the advice they need, whoever they approach,” she added.

[ 12.05.2005, 08:25: Message edited by: DS ]


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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