Thursday 26th August 2004


New row flares over
three-storey houses

by David Skentelbery

A NEW row has flared in a five-year battle over plans to build 200 houses on “green” land at Lymm, near Warrington.
The scheme, involving land at the corner of Oughtrington Lane and Longbutt Lane, has already been the subject of two public inquiries and hearings in the High Court and the Court of Appeal.
Now nearby residents are up in arms after learning that developers Wilson Connolly North West propose to squeeze an extra 14 properties on the site – and that many of the houses will be of three storeys.
Twenty neighbours, Lymm Parish Council and borough councillors for the area have all lodged strong objections.
They say the three-storey properties will tower over existing bungalows and totally dominate what is currently a rural area. Protected trees will be put at risk and an estimated 360 extra cars will use narrow Longbutt Lane, causing hazards for children going to the nearby Lymm High School.
Residents also question the developers’ claim that half the houses will be “affordable” in view of existing high house prices in the Lymm area.
The developers say exactly half the houses will be affordable units with a 32.5 per cent discount on open market prices – a bigger discount than those available in other affordable housing schemes nationally.
Coun Ian Marks said: “Affordable housing should be genuinely affordable – not just a little cheaper than other houses, and with guarantees that it will remain affordable for ever. This was the only reason this site ever gain planning permission.”
Many of the houses will require incomes of ?25,000-?27,000 while the average income in the borough is only ?23,000.
Coun Sheila Woodyatt(pictured, right) said: “This is a rural area and should be treated as such. Three storey dwellings are completely out of character with the area.”
The developers have offered ?100,000 towards the cost of improvements at the nearby Oughtrington Community Centre and ?20,000 towards the cost of a pedestrian crossing at the junction of Longbutt Lane and Oughtrington Lane.
Their layout plan includes three areas of public open space – two with children’s play areas.
Borough planners originally refused permission for the development in 1999 but after an appeal in 2001, a planning inspector decided it could go ahead. The council took the matter to the High Court and won a second hearing – which reversed the decision of the first inquiry.
But the applicants went to the Court of Appeal which ruled the development could go ahead.
The borough council decided reluctantly not to take the fight to the House of Lords because of the likely cost which was estimated at tens of thousands of pounds.

Wildflowers bring colour
to the Millennium Green

by Gary Skentelbery

THE Millennium Green at Appleton, near Warrington, is enjoying a splash of colour thanks to a new wild flower meadow.
The corn field flowers have lit up an area of the green which was the brain child of local resident Julie Kueres, who put together the original bid for funding to create the conservation area.
Julie is now one of four trustees responsible for the upkeep of the green, the others being head teacher Keith Greenwood and local councillors Judith Walker and Sandy Watts.
She is now planning to go on further training days at the Knowsley National Wildflower Centre and would be delighted to hear from any other green fingered enthusiasts, living in the area, who would like to attend.
Julie would also like to hear from any local organisations interested in providing funding to help maintain the green, including future projects.
Next year she is looking at planting Blue Bells as part of the Blue Bell Recovery Project as well as re-introducing Primroses to the area.
“The Dingle area along Lumb Brook was once famous for its Primroses,” said Julie. “I would like to hopefully reintroduce this flower next year.”
The Millennium Green was jointly funded thanks to grants from the Millennium Commission, together with funds from the Forestry Commission and Wren. Appleton Parish Council currently donate ?1,000 a year to help maintain the green.
Any one interested in helping out with the charitable project or attending the wild flower course can contact Julie on 01925 213933.

Fire crews tackle
blaze at works

by John Hendon

FIRE crews and works staff wearing breathing apparatus tackled an industrial blaze at the Alcan aluminium processing plant off Thelwall Lane, Latchford, Warrington.
The blaze involved a large quantity of aluminium dust on top of a smelting plant which was accidentally ignited by flames from a furnace.
Three fire appliances went to the scene and tackled the outbreak using specialist dry powder and sand.
A spokesman explained: “We could not use water on a fire involving metal dust like this. We were involved in the operation for more than an hour.
“Ironically the blaze happened on the very day a team of contractors was arriving to clear the dust away.”
No-one was hurt.

Residents warned
of postal con

by Lesley Wilkinson

WARRINGTON folk are being warned not to fall for a postal con in which people are being told they owe money for traffic offence fines allegedly committed in Spain.
The town’s Trading Standards office has issued a warning after an Appleton man received a fine for a traffic offence committed in Spain – even though he had not left the country.
It was from a company called, WHITE Deuda Recaudar Alguacil Y Exigir Servicious, and the demand for 129 euros (?86) came with an international transfer slip to pay in at the bank.
Trading standards officers are warning people to take care as the letters look official and bear a crest. They say letters do not state the date of the incident, nor give details of the offence.
Principle trading standards officer Edwina Greenwood said: “These criminals rely on the consciences of law abiding citizens. We want to warn people about this scam and if they receive anything like this to contact us.”
Further information is available from trading standards on 442678.

All that jazz – in
the old market place

by staff reporter

A ROUSING finale to the summer of activities in Golden Square, Warrington, will be provided when the Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra entertain shoppers on Saturday.
A series of local bands will entertain during the day. At 5.45pm the North Cheshire Concert Band will play music from the movies and at 7pm the Pantonic All Stars Steel Orchestra will entertain.
Then from 8pm until 10pm the award-winning Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra will play, with special guests Tommy Whittle, the 77-year-old saxophonist who made his name with the Ted Heath Band and later became one of Britain’s most respected jazzmen, and Mark Porter, a singer who has performed with the Glen Miller and Syd Lawrence Orchestras.
The free concerts are being funded by the Town Centre Warrington Partnership, organised by Warrington Borough Council’s Cultural Services Department and hosted by the centre.
Centre manager Andrew Ward said: “Once again we are delighted to welcome back members of the Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra to the centre. This is a very popular event and I hope as many people as possible will come along and have fun listening to all that jazz.”

Village targeted in
fire safety campaign

by staff reporter

RESIDENTS of Burtonwood, near Warrington have a chance to receive free fire safety advice – and free smoke detectors for their homes.
Members of Green watch at Warrington Fire Station are currently targeting the village as part of an ongoing operation to improve fire safety across the borough.
Houses are being leafleted and offered a free inspection and advice on fire safety issues.
Where there is no smoke detectors, firefighters w

ill fit one with a longlife battery.
A spokesman said: “Despite all the publicity about the value of smoke detectors, a surprising number of homes still do not have smoke detectors. Out of about 160 houses leafleted on one day, 12 contacted us later to ask for detectors. No doubt a lot more did not have detectors but did not bother contacting us.
“The number of serious, life-threatening fires which have been avoided through early warning from a smoke detector is very high and we recommend everyone should have at least one in their house – possibly more.”
Anyone interested in receiving free advice and a smoke detector should call the fire safety department at Warrington on 01925 639129.

Motorist flung
from crash car

by John Hendon

A DRIVER is in hospital after being flung from a car as it plunged 20 ft down an embankment after leaving the M62 at Warrington early today.
The car ended up on its wheels in a field 50 ft from the motorway and the injured driver was found lying on the ground nearby.
Fire crews were called to the scene to help make the vehicle safe and clear wreckage. A spokesman said the man had apparently not been wearing a seat belt.
“This incident illustrates the importance of wearing a seat belt,” he added.
“His injuries would probably have been less severe had he remained in the car.”
No other vehicle was involved and police are investigating why the car left the motorway for no apparent reason.

[ 02.09.2004, 10:32: Message edited by: DS ]


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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