Rain fails to dampen spirits at Warrington Mela


A VIBRANT pink elephant brought colour to Warrington town centre at the annual Mela as relentless grey clouds and showers failed to spoil the enthusiasm of crowds who flocked there.

Performers were delighted by drummers and street theatre outside and stalls offering food of Asian heritage.

Mela is traditionally a South Asian Festival but this year the scope has been extended to include communities from Eastern Europe, for example.
It’s the 12th year that the popular festival has been running in Warrington and this year’s events were held at the Parr Hall and Palmyra Square, in the heart of the Cultural Quarter, with associated activities in Time Square too.
The event was funded by a £22,376 grant from Arts Council England to support it.
Funding also was boosted from Warrington Borough Council’s Community Investment Fund, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service and the county Police and Crime Commissioner, Dan Price.
Warrington Worldwide headed to Bank Park, where performers on podia dressed in winged outfits and dancers from Eastern Europe in white, green and red traditional costumes performing in the Parr Hall.
An elaborate dance performance inside the theatre involved a person in a large pink elephant costume with a dancer proved a big hit.
Brightly coloured handkerchiefs were handed out to the audience to wave and participate.
Cheshire Constabulary, whose officers attended the event, said it went without a hitch.

Families huddled beneath umbrellas watching the performers as street artists blew giant bubbles into the air, chased by small children, some of whom had their faces painted.
There were food stalls and dancers of African heritage in beautiful gold-trimmed costumes.
Suddenly a large puppet donkey on a truck emerged into Palmyra Square to delight the crowds with a mysterious performance involving a golden butterfly and other characters.
The atmosphere among the crowds was exceptionally warm and good-natured and it made me proud of Warrington.
It’s an inclusive place which makes everyone feel welcome and long should it continue.


Deputy Mayor Cllr Mo Hussain addresses the crowd

Warrington mela


mela drummers



Warrington mela


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