75 Engineers Regiment ready for Warrington march


Members of the 75 Engineers Regiment will march through the heart of the town this weekend.

The Orford Barracks-based army reservists are exercising their right as freemen of Warrington to march through the town centre on Saturday, 29 June.
The 75 Engineers Regiment (Volunteers) was granted the Freedom of the Borough in May 2013, in recognition of the long and close association between the council and the regiment.
The Parade will depart Warrington Town Hall at 11.30am, proceeding through Sankey Street, Springfield Street, Palmyra Square North, Rylands Street, Bridge Street, Market Gate, and Sankey Street.
Upon their return to the Town Hall, the Mayor of Warrington, Cllr Steve Wright, will receive a salute from the troops and inspect the parade before the presentation of service medals to the regiment.

The Mayor said: “I’m absolutely delighted to see the 75 Engineers Regiment exercising their prestigious right as Freemen of the Borough to march through our town centre. They are a historic regiment with deep ties to Warrington, and they are a real source of pride for our town.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate their rich heritage and their enduring connection to Warrington – and to thank them for the work they do. I look forward to seeing a fantastic turnout and a memorable day for everyone involved.”

The 75 Engineer Regiment is a Reserve unit based on O’Leary Street, Orford, consists of 400 men and women volunteers mainly from the north west,
The Regiment can trace its history back as far as 1858 and they provide specialist engineering capability in bridging, demolitions, water supply, watermanship, field fortifications, heavy earth moving and construction to support the Royal Engineers.
Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Kenny Nixon, said: “A prestigious honour well worth celebrating, 75 Engineer Regiment look forward to the parade with pride – amplified by sharing the experience with honoured guests, family and friends of the Regiment during Armed Forces Week.”

Members of the public who wish to attend the event are asked not to bring large bags or leave any articles unattended whilst in the area.


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