How QI Group’s Core Values Drive Its Diverse Business Ventures and Social Initiatives


The QI Group, headquartered in Hong Kong, is a diversified multinational entity with a wide range of subsidiary companies operating in nearly 30 countries. The company, founded by Vijay Eswaran and Joseph Bismark in 1998, expands through strategic investments, creating interconnected ventures, services, and products that extend the QI Group’s global reach.

The primary focus areas for the QI Group include education, lifestyle, travel, technology, and entrepreneurship. The company employs over 2,000 people and maintains a competitive edge through its commitment to continuous evolution. With offices across Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, it prides itself on its multicultural, multilingual, and multinational workforce, reflecting its global presence and diverse range of operations.

What Are the Core Values of QI Group?

The QI Group is grounded in four core values that drive its operations and strategic decisions: integrity, service, sustainability, and leadership. These principles define the organization’s ethos and guide its interactions within the marketplace, with its stakeholders, and the environment.

Integrity is the bedrock of the QI Group’s foundation. Emphasizing “truth above all and truth in all,” the company commits to honesty and transparency in every aspect of its operations. This commitment extends beyond mere compliance; it involves a deep-rooted dedication to doing what is right under all circumstances. By prioritizing integrity, QI Group builds trust with its clients, employees, and partners, which is essential for long-term success.

Service is another pivotal value, encapsulated in the motto, “We serve to lead and lead to serve.” This philosophy underscores a commitment to service that transcends traditional business goals. The QI Group views service as part of customer relations and a broader mission to positively impact all stakeholders, including the communities in which it operates. This ethos of service ensures that the company continually seeks ways to add value, emphasizing the importance of giving back and fostering a spirit of generosity and altruism within its corporate culture.

Sustainability reflects the QI Group’s acknowledgment of its responsibilities as a “caretaker for the next generation.” In an era where environmental concerns are paramount, the company is dedicated to practices that ensure the longevity and health of the planet. This involves initiatives to preserve natural resources, promote sustainability in its business practices, and sometimes resurrect damaged ecosystems. The focus on sustainability is not just about compliance with environmental standards; it’s about leading by example to foster a more sustainable and resilient world.

Leadership within the QI Group is about inspiring and being inspired. The company believes in nurturing entrepreneurial passion as a pathway to independence, inclusiveness, and innovation. By encouraging leadership that inspires others, QI Group cultivates a culture where fresh ideas flourish and inclusive practices are normalized. Leadership here isn’t confined to the boundaries of the corporate hierarchy. Still, it’s viewed as a quality that every member of the organization can embody in various forms, whether through initiative, creativity, or by leading projects that drive social change.

Together, these values form a robust framework that guides the QI Group in its quest to achieve commercial success while being ethically sound, socially responsible, and environmentally sustainable. These values ensure that as the company moves forward, it does so with a conscientious approach that considers its impact on both people and the planet.

Guided by Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings emphasize the power of peaceful protest and the importance of integrity and compassion in leadership. The QI Group regards Gandhi as its corporate icon and bases its philosophy of RYTHM (Raise Yourself To Help Mankind) on his life principles. This philosophy reflects the group’s commitment to integrity, service, sustainability, and leadership.

The RYTHM Foundation, the corporate social responsibility arm of the QI Group, has made a significant impact across more than 20 countries through its various community projects. These initiatives have benefited over 80,000 individuals, highlighting the foundation’s commitment to sustainable development and social welfare.

Since 2013, the RYTHM Foundation has contributed over 114,000 volunteer hours to social causes worldwide. This extensive volunteer work underscores the foundation’s dedication to fostering community engagement and promoting positive change.

The foundation has spearheaded more than 75 projects globally aimed at sustainable community development. These projects are designed to address diverse needs and create lasting impacts on the communities they serve.

Since 2005, the RYTHM Foundation has collaborated with over 135 global partners to successfully implement strategic projects that align with its mission to enhance the quality of life for underprivileged populations. These partnerships have been instrumental in expanding the foundation’s reach and effectiveness.

A significant focus of the foundation’s efforts has been empowering women both young and older, with more than 63,000 individuals impacted through over 15 dedicated projects. These initiatives aim to provide educational opportunities, skill development, and support for gender equality.

The RYTHM Foundation has also assisted over 17,000 youths and children through its flagship community programs. These efforts are geared toward providing educational resources, health care, and other essential services to help young individuals achieve their full potential.

As the QI Group continues to advance, it remains committed to empowering individuals, fostering innovation, and building a sustainable future. This dedication to its core values drives both business success and the well-being of society and the environment.

“Great achievements are not achieved in leaps and bounds, but rather by edging forward just a little bit more every day,” stated Eswaran.


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